Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 29 :: March 30 [Monday]

Matthew 28:16-20
Matthew 10

We can talk theology and devotions all day long, but there comes a time when we are called to act.
Read Matthew 28:16-20
  • What are we called to do as Christians?
Read Matthew 10
  • What are some of the things that disciples do?
  • Who are people either rejecting or receiving?
Oh Lord, how I long to hear your voice and learn what it is to be loved — to thrive, transformed by Your Spirit in a world that seeks to take away Your life in me. I confess that sometimes I drift away from You. I want to walk more closely with You than ever before. Today Lord, I answer You with my whole life... take me and transform me. May I come to know You so personally and powerfully that I can’t help but tell others about who You are. Father God, help me to recognize that the only holy thing in us is Your Holy Spirit... and that if we are to answer Your call, we must relinquish our lives to Your lead.
Fill our whole community with Your presence today, O, Lord! Amen.

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