Tuesday, September 21, 2010

FREE :: rescued :: LIFEGroup notes

series: FREE
title: rescued
date: 19 sepetember 2010
text: Galatians 1:1-5

Does truth matter?
How do we know what is true? (Galatians 1:1)

“The world we live in is conspicuously and sadly lacking in the experience of freedom.”
Eugene Peterson

Who needs to hear the truth? (Galatians 1:2)

What are some of the tests of the truth? (Galatians 1:3)

What is the truth Paul was defending? (Galatians 1:4) 


Looking at the Text
  • Read Galatians 1
  • Who is this letter written to?
  • Why do you think Paul is defending his authority?
  • In what way did Jesus give himself for our sins (v4)?
  • Paul writes about being rescued (v4) in this passage.
    o   What does this mean?
    o   In what sense is rescue is both “from” and “to”?
    o   In what way does God rescue us?
    o   How have you been rescued?
  • Why do you think Paul refers to “the present evil age” (v4)
  • What is “grace and peace” (v3)?
  • In what way does it come (only?) from “God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (v3)?
    o   Why do you think Paul refer to both the Father and Jesus?
    o   What is the significance of using “our”?
Living the Text
  • Looking at these introductory verses, especially the words grace, peace, rescue, glory; what difference does understanding these things make in how we live?
  • What are some of the things that stop us from living the lives of freedom that we are designed for?
For Next Week
  • Read all of Galatians (use more than one version). You may want to use one the Bibles listed here.

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